Your Chakras

7th chakra


Divine consciousness. To feel as one with the universe.

Unbalanced : headaches, bad memory, nerve pain.

Balanced : peaceful, good memory, good sleep.

''I am a vessel for love and light.''

Balancing Tea

6th chakra

Third Eye

Intuition, imagination and wisdom.

Unbalanced: Lack of imagination, vision problems, nightmares.

Balanced: Intuitive, good vision, bright dreams.

''I am open to exploring what cannot be seen.''

Coming Soon

5th chakra


Communication, self expression and truth.

Unbalanced: Trouble listening, anxiety, difficulty speaking your mind.

Balanced : Communicating thoughtfuly, clearly and with ease

''I speak my truth always.''

Balancing Tea

4th chakra


Love, joy and comfort.

Unbalanced: Lonely, respiratory problems, abandonment.

Balanced: Compassion, gratitude, joy.

''When I love myself, loving others comes easily.''

Balancing Tea

3rd chakra

Solar Plexus

Self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence.

Unbalanced: Lack of energy, fatigue, weakness.

Balanced: Energy, active health, strenght.

''Self-love starts when I accept all parts of myself''

Balancing Tea

2nd chakra


Sense of abundance, pleasure and sexuality.

Unbalanced: Lower back pain, sex-related issues, low libido.

Balanced: Sensuality, pleasure, sexuality.

''I always honor others but not before myself.''

Balancing Tea

1st chakra


Feel deeply rooted to your life.

Unbalanced: unstable, insecure, constipation.

Balanced: grounded, stable, humble.

''I can't grow from an unsteady foundation.''

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